Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tip #1

The biggest tool I have in eating out a lot is OpenTable.com; it is a restaurant reservation site.  Not every restaurant in your city will be listed as they have to sign up for the service.  In Portland Oregon

, there is a listing for 135 places, there are locations in most states and internationally, I always review it before I travel overseas.  You can see the price range of the restaurant as well as the reviews by open table members.  There is also an extensive profile including links to the menus.  Best yet you can see immediately what times are available to reserve at multiple places at one time, helps you narrow your search if you have a firm dining time.

 If you sign up to be a member all of your profile information is added to the reservations, all this has to be is your name, phone number and email.  You can make a list of all of your favorite places so that you can view those first if you want.  You do not have to sign up to be a member, it just speeds things up and once you’ve accumulated at least 2,000 Points, you can redeem them for OpenTable Dining Cheques in the following denominations:

2,000 points = US$20 or Can$26 or £15
5,000 points = US$50 or Can$65 or £37.50
10,000 points = US$100 or Can$130 or £75

Each reservation is worth 100 to 1000 points.

Now you might be asking how does this help with my allergies.  Easy.  When you make your reservation there is a place to write special request.  I always mention my tomato allergy first thing

, and explain that cross contamination is a huge life threatening problem.  I also state that if they don’t feel they can handle my allergy to let me know and I will make other arrangements.   I have gotten only a couple of calls from managers saying that it would be hard for them, mostly small southern Italian type places.  I always identify myself by name and as the sassy redhead in the group.  If I am going with clients or business associates I always give their names and a brief description of them.  9 out of 10 times the waiters will address the table by name from the onset, makes a nice impression on people, and kids think it is great. 

Give it a try and see if it works for you, and if you do get a call from a manager to say it might not work out, be thankful that they are honest and you didn’t risk your health or your kids.  Then recommend it to a friend that can go, that is the best payback you can give them.

Happy Eating.


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